Sunday, November 25, 2018

Tech Notes :- Ansible Ad hoc Command Examples

Ansible ad-hoc commands are useful when you want to run something quickly on multiple machines. Here I am providing some examples of different situations that might help. Let's assume that our inventory name is 'servers'  and  we the names of all servers in this file

Checking the status of all servers in our inventory file 'servers'
# ansible  'servers' -m ping

For checking the uptime of all servers
# ansible 'servers'  -a 'uptime'

Create a user sudeep and set the password on all servers in the inventory file servers
# ansible 'servers' -m user -a "name=sudeep password=redhat"

Updating  Linux server with latest updates
# ansible 'servers' -m package -a 'name=* state=latest'

Installing a specific package in all servers in the inventory
# ansible 'servers'  -m package -a "name=httpd state=present"

Reboot the servers and wait for it to come back
# ansible 'servers' -b -B 1 -P 0 -m shell -a "sleep 5 && reboot"

Remove a text from a file
# ansible 'servers'  -m lineinfile -a "dest=/etc/somefile.txt regexp='texttoberemoved' state=absent"

Checking entries in a file
# ansible 'servers' -m command -a 'grep listen  /etc/nginx/conf.d/nginx.conf'

Replacing strings in a file on multiple servers
# ansible 'servers' -m replace -a 'path=/etc/nginx.conf.d/nginx.conf regexp="" replace='

Commenting a line in a file based on finding a pattern in that line.For example comment the line containing the word backup in a cron job
ansible 'servers' -m replace -a 'path=/etc/cron.d/backup_schedule regexp="(.*backup.*)" replace="#\1"'

Check the hypervisor on remote machines
# ansible 'servers' -m setup -a "filter=ansible_virtualization_*"

List remote files
# ansible 'servers' -m command -a 'ls -l  /var/www/html'

Copy files
# ansible 'servers' -m copy -a 'src=/home/sudeep/test.php dest=/var/www/html/test.php owner=sudeep group=sudeep'

List all variables a partiucular host can see
# ansible -m debug -a 'var=hostvars[inventory_hostname]'

Schedule a reboot
# ansible '  -a  '/sbin/shutdown -r +5'

Checking the remote git version on multiple servers
# ansible 'servers' -m command -a "git status  args: chdir=/var/www/html/sudeep"

List all tasks in a playbook
# ansible-playbook --list-tasks playbooks/app-server.yml

Get an excerpt from a file
# ansible 'servers' -a 'grep -A 2 port /etc/supervisord.conf'

Remove a port from firewall where the firewall is configured using firewalld
# ansible 'server' -m command -a "firewall-cmd --remove-port='8080/tcp' --zone=internal --permanent "

Reload firewalld
#ansible 'server' -m command -a  'systemctl reload firewalld'

List all opened ports in public zone
#ansible 'server' -m command -a 'firewall-cmd --list-ports  --zone=public'

List all services in public zone
#ansible 'server' -m command -a 'firewall-cmd --list-services  --zone=public'

List all sources in public zone
#ansible 'server' -m command -a 'firewall-cmd --list-sources  --zone=public'

Adding a server to proxysql with a default_hostgroup of 80, writing the changes to disk and loading it to runtime.
ansible '' -m proxysql_backend_servers -a 'hostgroup_id=80 hostname= load_to_runtime=True login_password=Password123 login_port=6032 login_user=proxysql-admin save_to_disk=True state=present status=ONLINE comment="My new mysql database server"'

We can send the output of the ansible command(or any command) both to a file as well as stdout.See the example below
ansible 'servers' -m command -a "git status  args: chdir=/var/www/html/sudeep" 2>&1 | tee ~/outfile

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